Your Documents Please
As globalization proceeds and local bonds are eroded, identification documentation such as passports, credit cards, driver licenses and calling cards has become the physical medium in which the political, commercial, cultural and ultimately the spiritual disposition of the individual are negotiated. As new forms and criteria of identification are produced even the nature of identity is changed. The art exhibition "Your Documents Please" reflects issues of identity and its documentation.
Organized by Daniel Georges and Rumi Tsuda with Alma on Dobbin, an international arts exchange organization based in Brooklyn, NY.
Traveling Art Exhibition
With 270 artists living in 27 countries contributing passports/ID documents for ‘Your Documents Please”
April 4, 2008 – May 16, 2008, Museum of Arts and Crafts, Itami, Itami-shi, Japan
August 2, 2008 – August 17, 2008, ZAIM, Yokohama, Japan
August 11 – August 16, Gallery Paris, Yokohama, Japan
November 28 – December 30, 2008, 2B Gallery Budapest, Hungary,
January 9 – February 2, 2009, Gallery Kunst in Hirsch, Berlin, Germany
February 12 – March 8, 2009, Gallery Z, Bratislava, Slovakia
April 17 – May 8, 2009, Gallery Ajolete Arte, Guadalajara, Mexico
November 3 – November 21, 2010, Alma in Manhattan, hosted by Fine Light, New York, USA